1 Bedroom Apartment with Open View, Parking and Storage Room in HERASTRAU PLAZA


1.100 Euro / luna


Nr. camere

2 camere




62.97 mp

nr. bai


an constructie



3 / 9



Dotari suplimentare

  • Ușă intrare
    Ușă intrare metal
  • Amenajare străzi
    Străzi asfaltate, Iluminat stradal, Mijloace de transport în comun
  • Utilități generale
    Apă, Canalizare, Curent, Internet
  • Mobilat
    Mobilat complet, Mobilat lux
  • Uși interior
    Uși interior celulare
  • Izolații termice
    Izolație exterioară
  • Ferestre
    Ferestre care se deschid, Geamuri cu izolație fonică, Geamuri cu protecție UV, Geamuri tripan
  • Contorizare
    Apometre, Contor căldură, Contor electric
  • Podele
    Parchet laminat, Podele piatră naturală
  • Bucătărie
    Bucătărie deschisă, Bucătărie mobilată, Bucătărie utilată
  • Dotări imobil
    Acces pentru persoane cu dizabilități, Acoperiș, Interfon, Parcare biciclete, Pază permanentă, Senzor de fum, Spații agrement, Telecomandă poartă acces auto
  • Pereți
    Pereți piatră naturală, Vopsea lavabilă
  • Sistem încălzire
    Centrală imobil, Încălzire prin pardoseală, Ventiloconvectoare
  • Dotări
    Aer condiționat, Aeroterme, Aragaz, Cabină de duș, Cadă, Dressing, Frigider, Hotă, Mașină de spălat rufe, Mașină de spălat vase, TV

Descrierea proprietatii

In the very heart of Herastrau Neighbourhood, surrounded by parks, cafes and boutiques, with an easy access to and from downtown, the „green building” Herastrau Plaza is the location where you want to live for the years to come.
Not only for the safety of the area or for the breathtaking view at dawn as well as at dusk, but also for the high quality of the finishes or for the particularly nice neighbours.
Imagine you wake up just to have your coffee on a balcony heading the Sunrise among the skyline, then you take a very short walk to Bordei or Herastrau Park where you can do your morning workout. Then, heading to work – only minutes away- you can grab a healthy snack and a coffee. At lunch you have a wide variety of choices- restaurants, cafes and bistros encompassing the most exquisite or plain cuisines. On your walk back home you could just drop by at Promenada Mall to do your shopping or meet your friends. No matter how late you want to come back, you can make it on foot because you are just 5 minutes away from home. The guard of the building will be there to open the door for you or to call the elevator when your arms will be busy with groceries or presents.
Once upstairs the perfect phonic isolation of the building gives you the possibility to detach yourself from the world. You can sleep, read, learn or listen music without disturbing or being disturbed.
The apartment itself has the cosines of a warm elegance- neutral colours, warm surfaces, fully furnished kitchen, plenty of storage, nice accents of light. The balcony could be considered a room itself as it could accommodate a six people table or an outdoor couch or even a work desk with its chair.
Displaying a lot of natural light, a comfortable open space and all the equipment one might need for a pleasant living, the apartment stands out through its playful air. The possibility of warming up or cooling down the air it’s only a button push away. The building creates a healthy environment due to its natural, life sustainable materials. The landlords are easy going and friendly, willing to help and cooperate.
Whenever you need it your car will be waiting for you safely parked in the underground parking and a separate storage room can be filled with your sport items.

Brokerul proprietatii

Corina Dumitrescu

Senior consultant-REALTOR®
Despre broker

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